Digital Marketing Blog

Esteban Castellanos

5 Tips to Boost Your Display Advertising Campaign

If you're looking for a phenomenal method to enhance your brand's affinity and keep your company/product/service  top-of-mind then you're looking for display advertising. While it is no different from the digital marketing realm, online display advertising takes it one step further by enabling you to target your ‘online’ billboards at your ideal consumer. WSI uncovers industry techniques and strategies that will help your business drive conversions and significantly enhance brand recall in your customers and prospect.

Published on: 3/23/2017 15:02

Read the complete post on 5 Tips to Boost Your Display Advertising Campaign

You Should Consider Remarketing

Things sure have changed from the days of the Yellow Pages. You just picked an ad and that would be your expert for the day. Now you have access to the expertise of thousands upon thousands of experts who all want to share their knowledge. And that is what people ate doing, according to a study conducted by Google, 47% of revenue generated in the US comes from purchases made in more than one day. More than one day = multiple visits to your website, probably over the course of days or even weeks.

Published on: 3/16/2017 14:19

Read the complete post on You Should Consider Remarketing

Advertising Online in the New Internet Landscape

The digital advertising landscape was once limited mostly to pay-per-click (PPC) ads on Google. Today, savvy marketers have a growing toolbox of digital advertising options to expand their reach. Here are some of the digital advertising platforms that you should know about when planning your marketing and advertising.

Published on: 3/9/2017 11:39

Read the complete post on Advertising Online in the New Internet Landscape

Blogging Part 3 - How Often Should I Write?

I hear this question a lot, the short answer most experts will give you is, “Minimum once a week,” but that answer is tricky because all people tend to hear is, “Once a week”. I would recommend you aim for more than that, two to three times a week if you can.

Published on: 3/2/2017 13:18

Read the complete post on Blogging Part 3 - How Often Should I Write?

Blogging Part 2 - Who Do I write to?

Knowing who to write to is where you have to start when you’re starting a blog. Everything flows from your audience.

People who don’t write constantly rarely think about who their audience is, they’re just worried about not looking foolish. But if you don’t know who your target is then how can you know if you’ve reached them?

Published on: 2/23/2017 13:12

Read the complete post on Blogging Part 2 - Who Do I write to?

Blogging in the 21st Century

The most important commodity for any business using the web is content. Content will always rein king over the Internet for one simple reason. Content is information and the internet is just that, a river of information.

So how can small businesses add more and more content online without spending wads of cash? A blog.

Published on: 2/16/2017 12:12

Read the complete post on Blogging in the 21st Century

Competitor Analysis: Knowledge is Power

Competition is a huge part of life. We compete for important things like jobs and houses. We have fun by competing with each other in sports and other games. And more than anything, we enjoy watching competition, and the higher the stakes, the better.

In the business world, competition inevitably comes with comparison. Whether it’s businesses matching themselves with competitors or consumers endlessly pitting products and services against each other, comparison is a key cog in markets everywhere.

Published on: 2/9/2017 14:38

Read the complete post on Competitor Analysis: Knowledge is Power

Website Health Check in the Western Toronto Area

Revamp And Revitalize Your Website
Big changes have happened in the world of technology in recent years and these changes have had a huge influence on how consumers find, access and interact with your website. But if your website has not moved with these changes you could find you are missing out on a large slice of the target audience pie.

Our website health check can give you the answers to the Internet marketing conundrum, especially if you are not experiencing the results you expected.

Published on: 2/2/2017 07:38

Read the complete post on Website Health Check in the Western Toronto Area

Happy Lunar New Year

On the 28 it will be a New Year for people who use the Lunar Calendar. You may ask yourself what does this have to do with blogging? Well I’m going to use it as a jumping off point to remind you that there is a very diverse audience out there that you can reach out to.

Published on: 1/26/2017 11:31

Read the complete post on Happy Lunar New Year

Blog FAQs Part 3

I’m going to go through some of the many questions I get about websites and each month answer one of them. Today we go with…

What Should I Focus My Blog On?

Published on: 1/19/2017 14:26

Read the complete post on Blog FAQs Part 3